Originally from Zimbabwe, Monica Kunzekweguta moved to England when she was 23 years old and worked in the supportive living, mental health care sector, for 21 years. On her first shift, she was assigned to work at a home for children who had been taken away from their parents because of abuse. There, she met an eight-year-old boy named Michael, and formed an instant bond with this child who would forever change the way she viewed the world.
Years later, she encountered this young man again, and saw first-hand how the system had failed him. To this day she wonders what happened to this young man, who was set upon the world with little to no life-skills, in an environment full of harsh judgement and little compassion or understanding.
Monica now lives in Canada, and has published four anthologies. As a writing coach, and co-founder of Authors Without Boundaries, she is sharing the healing power of the written word.